Saturday, March 14, 2009


Before we went to get the ultrasound, I was trying to explain to Oliver that it might not be a girl so that he could be let down easy if that were the case. He wouldn't have it. And I don't know why I doubted him. Doc says that she looks fine and that the due date is still on or around July 26th. Nicole and I are already arguing over names.


Harmony said...

I am so happy! I haven't checked the blog in awhile. I had a difficult time with the Lakers post - but other than that I have enjoyed catching up!

Arah Debra said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys, especially Oliver. Very exciting!!

Mollie said...

So excited for you guys!

Jamie Parke said...

Congratulations! It will be so fun to have a girl. What are the names you are fighting over and shouldn't Oliver get to choose since he clearly knew what was up?

Guy Incognito said...

If we gave Oliver that option, the only names he would come up with would be Mickey, Rocket or simply Seester.

amber buhrley said...

How fun! So excited for you guys! I would love to hear some of the names.

Melissa said...

Oh you guys are going to have a gorgeous baby girl! I'm so excited for you!!! I like Lilly.
Wait don't you already have a relative with that name?

A | E said...

Yeah one of each! Congrats!

James.Megan.Ava.Fischer said...

So exciting, congrats. Hope you're feeling better, Nicole. That was Ava's due date also, but she came a week early. Hope that's the case for you too. We miss you guys. If you're in need of some sunshine, we know where to get it.