Friday, December 14, 2007

Those Books

Before I begin I must preface this post by saying, if you have not read these books yet and don't want to hear anything about them then you shouldn't read this. I am not going to spoil anything but there are some weirdos out there who like everything to be a mystery. Of course I don't even know how this book series could be a mystery to any woman 12-75 but you never know. Okay with that said I have finally finished the third
book, Eclipse. I finished New Moon months ago but wasn't able
to jump into Eclispe right away. You see New Moon did something to me. I couldn't put that book down. I read it in one day (for a mom that should be doing other things then reading a teen romance novel about vampires that is very fast!). I absolutley devoured that book. I cried my eyes out in that book. I talked and talked and talked about that book to anyone who would listen. For the record, Dusten was a good sport and listened. I dreamt about that book and when it was over I felt empty. Even knowing that Eclipse lay on my nightstand waiting for me I could not pick it up. I was not emotionally ready for it. So after a few months (seriously) and a bunch of prodding from those who have already read it, I picked it up. I am going to go out on a limb here and risk judgement from those who nudged me...I did not like Eclipse (Sorry Ashley). It did nothing for me. I mean after what I felt from reading New Moon I was expecting alot and but still I got nothing. For those of you who loved it, I am sorry. Maybe I just missed something. I think I need to add that the biggest reason I did not like Eclipse was that Bella is just so freakin whiny. I can't handle how she complains when people want to buy her things, and throw her parties and worst of all that her hot boyfriend wants to make an honest woman out of her and marry her! (Sorry) Oh poor you Bella, two hot dudes love you and while they may be part of the fanatsy world they still want plain boring you and would die for you. Yet you just sit around and complain that you have to go to your own graduation party. UGH! You seriously bug me. Enough with that.

For those of you who didn't know they have cast Edward for the movies, here he is. I don't even care to remember what his real name is but he played Cedric Diggory in the Harry Potter movies. Boring. Does this look like a sexy hot vampire to any of you? Me neither.

After hearing who they chose for Edward I am less irritated about the choice for Bella. I think Kristen Stewart is all wrong but I don't really like Bella so they can cast who ever they want. Lindsay Lohan might do a good job.

I need to give props to my friend Kelly and say that all though I wasn't a fan at first I am now on board. Hayden Christensen would have done a great job as Edward. I mean look at this picture. Is he not a smoldering vampire?


Ashley Preston said...

Ok, I understand what you're saying. Yes, Bella was whiny and ridiculous in her "tormented" way. I agree. What's wrong with the party, the ring, the commitment in getting married? Those are totally irrational things. BUT. . . she is 17 and totally irrational in her desire to want to become a vampire as well! It's all crazy. I love it because I love Edward and how he loves her. I do not think "Cedric" was the best choice, but I can see him as the character too. Not who I would have chosen, but it could be worse. I think the real determining factor is how good of an actor he is. Can I believe that he has inhuman strength? How is his "velvet voice"? These things will make me believe that he is Edward or be so upset and not want to see the movie. I do agree with the Hayden Christensen thing though. He is much cuter and a more believable Edward. Listen to me go off on this? I hope Bill doesn't read this. He'll never let me live it down!! hahaha!

mere said...

do you think the real reason you didn't like the book is because you held a little bit of your heart back for fear of being left empty yet again?

Darci said...

If you remember when you were at my house I was telling Harm the same thing of how I hated the 3rd book because Bella was so whiny, Do I love Edward???? OR Do I love Jacob????? I hated that so much so I totally agree with you. I loved New Moon and I couldn't put it down either. I don't like any of their choices for who the actors are, we will see what happens with the movies, I always like the books better anyway.

Nicole said...

Ashley-I do agree that the fact that she is 17 weighs heavily on how she deals with things but when I was 17 all I was trying to do was get my boyfriend to be more serious with our relationship. Her character isn't very relateable.
Mary-Its very possible. I wouldn't let me myself read if for long amounts of time. I just didn't want to get all wrapped up in it again. When you have your heart broken once you aren't ready to run out and do it again...or are you?
Darci-Books are always better than the movies. To be fair there is no way that a human being could capture the vision of Edward that we have all created in our heads butI just have to imagine that there could have been a better choice. Doesn't Brad Pitt have a younger brohter or anything?

Ashley Preston said...

So funny. Yes I agree that I don't relate to Bella at all. I like attention and presents and my dream boy giving me jewelry! These are just a few of the ways that we are different! hahaha! After all this though, the disecting of it all, I still am so excited for the fourth book and the movie (probably just to rip on) whomever they cast!

Darci said...

Hopefully these actors with have "scheduling conflicts" and we can get new actors. We can only hope.

Kate said...

I found Bella SO whiny from the first book. So annoying! I liked the first book the best...then I think it's all gone down hill. The second just dragged on and on, and then by the third...I was just over the stalling of the story line. Just bite her already and move on!

I'm not sure I'll even read the new one when it comes out...unless the story line progresses! It's like a soap opera...

Alli said...

I know these books are the "in" thing, but man I am just not at all interested. It's like the Harry Potter craze...never understood that either. So I'm glad to hear the story and movie are going downhill.

On another note, whenever you feel inclined to set me up, just say the word and I'd be ready to go.

Mollie said...

My mom, sister and niece are obsessed with these books too. I wish I had time to read them. Did you know Carlos is Monterrey, Mexico? Laura said that that's were the book takes place (am I right? I really don't know what I'm talking about and I am just trying to sound cool, but I think that is what she said - haha).

Anonymous said...

Ugg, all I can say is that I was really looking forward to seeing these movies until now. I can't get over "Cedric Diggory" being Edward. His hair in Harry Potter was atrocious and I just can't get over that...

Hayden Christensen would have been unbelievably hotter.


On another note, hope you had a great Christmas!